[Idea Cafe's Financing Your Business]

Credit Cards [color bar]

Table of Contents

1. How can I use credit cards to finance my business?

2. Who's this good for?

3. When is this the best choice for me?

4. When is this not advised?

5. Tips for getting approved.

6. Ingredients you'll need on hand.

7. Rhonda's Tips.

8. Watch out for!

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1. How can I use my credit cards to finance my business?

Lots of small and medium-sized businesses use credit cards as defacto lines of credit, albeit very expensive ones -- to pay for everything from soft drinks for the lunchroom refrigerator to round-the-world travel for execs on trade missions. Some banks issue credit cards especially for business use, although entrepreneurs often use personal credit cards to finance start-ups. "Checks" drawn against credit cards can enable you to charge payments to suppliers, contract workers, or others who wouldn't normally accept credit card payments. Be wary though -- financing your business by piling up credit card debt is costly -- consider cheaper options, like home equity lines or regular bank loans first.

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2. Who is this good for?

Tales of steely-nerved entrepreneurs who racked up as much as $100,000 on multiple cards -- even paying employees with cash advances from their cards -- are legendary though awfully scary. But even financially prudent folks use credit cards to get over a financial hump, pay for a much-needed piece of equipment, or come up with a prototype for a product that must get to market quickly. They're good for people who are either:

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3. When is this the best choice for me?

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4. When is this not advised?

Don't use credit cards:

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5. Tips for getting approved

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6. Ingredients you'll need on hand

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7. Rhonda's Tips

Business Planning Expert Rhonda Abrams offers tips and insights into using credit cards to finance your business.

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8. Watch out for!

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